Wednesday, December 7, 2005

The LeBrons..

So last night turned out well as the Cavaliers at least pulled out one win on their first west coast road trip of the season.  It wasn't easy at times, but overall we played well enough against the awful defense of the Kings.  Bron as usual poured in 30 points and dazzled the Kings crowd once again as he did on his first day in the NBA (remember that commercial where Bron froze up for 20 secs then smiled like "gotcha sucka"). 

So speaking of the King (since I never bring him up) check out this unreleased commercial of The LeBrons..  It shows the king just living a normal life in his home in Akron, OH.  (also check out this behind the scenes making of the commercial which is actually kind of akward)

Oh also..give it up for LeBlog James everyone..


Anonymous said...

Mr. LeBlog-

That commercial is not unreleased.  I saw that during some game.  I was chatting with my "special lady friend" while watching TV, when all of us a suddent I lost total focus on anything she was saying and felt compelled to watch TV.  I think the commercial was on during a Cavs game on Le-package (on Lost night).

Anonymous said...

mr. paullev7,

   You are obviously lying because as you know there are no basketball games on Wednesday nights because of the show LOST.  It's popularity caused David Stern to revamp the schedule last year and this is common knowledge.  

Thankyou for playing..