Thursday, December 15, 2005

Day 4

As most of you saw the new clue's will be announced from 7pm-10pm EST going forward.  No problem.  And today's is another local question.  Ya know I am starting to feel like this was meant for us - his real fans.  But then I am thinking...this is a national challenge.  It's weird to think that other people besides those who grew up in the same hometown would know all this stuff?  I mean I can't tell you one event any other major athlete has held in his hometown.  Well anyways, I am glad Bron is so loyal to his hometown and once again he is setting a good example for not only the NBA, but the kids. Yes, the Jerry said, "I do it for the kids."

So today's clue:   It is typical for ballers to have a charity basketball game, but for LeBron's major charity event in Akron, he chose this activity cause everyone from young to old can participate.

Well, as people know LeBron's Bike-a-thon was a huge success for the city and his foundation.  Not only that but it brought the likes of t-MAC & Wade to the AK.  So anyways, to get the memento click on the TV in the living room next to Kid LeBron.  This will give way to the backyard where you'll see the bike.  

Day 4: Money..


Anonymous said...

I love it!!  Good game tonight.

Anonymous said...

Burgoon, I'm dissapointed in your Seinfield knowledge.  If you'll recall, it was not Jerry who did it for the kids.  It was Kramer who bootlegged movies for the kids.

Anonymous said... friend dogg.  how mistaken you are...

After confirming with a colleague at work, who just happened to have all the seinfeld eps on DVD with bio's for each episode, you are indeed about to be put into check.  

In season 8 episode 138 titled "The Little Kicks," Kramer originally had the job of bootlegging films for his buddy.  One day Jerry was asked to fill in and shoot Death Blow.  While uncomfortable, Jerry found passion in this and it turned out to be one of the best shot films on 96th street.  But Jerry was finished.  It was one and done for him.  Kramer was back in the saddle, but when Jerry viewed Kramer's latest efforts at a bootleg, he had this to say:

"I was up on 96th Street today, there was a kid couldn't have been more than ten years old. He was asking a street vendor if he had any other bootlegs as good as Death Blow. That's who I care about. The little kid who needs bootlegs, because his parent or guardian won't let him see the excessive violence and strong sexual content you and I take for granted." - Jerry

I hate to do this but boo-ya.

Anonymous said...

I would assume jerry's kids = jerry lewis's muscular distrophy charity, but what do I know.