Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Day 2

Sorry, I might not get to this first thing in the morning, but there will be a post by the end of the day.

CLUE:  LeBron does his thing on the court, but in his off time (when he isn't at Swenson's) he has a specific style and he knows what he wants.  This item is a classic example of  *marketing* LeBron's off the court style. 

So as paullev7 noted in the previous comments, the item is indeed a bunch of AF1 shoes.  Just head to the kitchen and click on the cooler full of Sprite.  Once you see that the shoes are in the bottom right.  It's not too clear, but they are there.  

day 2..giggidy


Anonymous said...

I apoligize for not giving much inside info lately but here are some fun tips:

* Beyonce is freakin gorgeous. When she was in the building with Jay-Z, I don't think anyone cared that he was in teh building.

* While speaking of Rappers and such, Usher Ryamond has been asked by Dan Gilbert to not come to the Q until he fufills his promises when he purchased a portion of the team. Usher must have been spending too much time on the movie, and not enough at the "Q"

* On that same note, some of you might have seen Kid Rock at some of the home games. I confirmed it last game with one of my friends in the marketing department, and Kid Rock actually has court side season tickets for the Cavaliers, maybe he will take over Usher's portion of the team? He is a Detroit Native and friendly with Gilbert?

* Again speaking of Gilbert, last game I had the chance to talk to him. Nice guy, down to earth, and truly just wants a championship in Cleveland. He was asking us how to get the people in the front 7 rows to wave the "clapping sticks" and made the following remarks:

   " Are they just too rich to blow those things up themselves, I mean maybe we should blow them up for those rich people and see what happens than."

I thought it was funny, because thinkin back to it, I could not see Gilbert blowing those up for himself and waving them. I did him the suggestion of making directly behind the basket $10 tickets, I will keep you updated on whether he does that (not a good chance).

* As always I will be at the game tonight, and I am actully getting paid to go watch Detroit vs. the Kings tomorrow which is sweet, but as always : GO Cavaliers

Anonymous said...

I started this yesterday as well.  At what time of the day are the new clues being posted?  At midnight, or a random time each day?  Got to love the Lebrons!