Monday, January 9, 2006

Bron Update

Welcome back to the land of the King.  If I haven't mentioned it already thank goodness for LeBron.  Leading us to victory against the Bucks after a very saddenning loss to Houston.  Your a good man Mr. James..a good man. 

In fact, I noticed the fella in my Friday mail on the cover of the worst magazine ever.  Overall, the article was below average, but a few worthy points came out of it.  Once again, the King stated that CLE is his home and the Cavs are his team.  Read for yourself all you hatas: 

It's all about competing, about trying to be the best. It's also important to me to make the team I'm on now the best. I don't want to go ring-chasing, as I call it; you know, going to a team that's already pretty established and trying to win a ring with them. I want to stay with the Cavs and build a champion. And I feel like we're on our way.

Uhh..ya that's freakin sweet.  He has said this a lot, but I guess no one will believe cause they just want him on their team.  Another tid-bit from the article was about the The LeBrons commecials.  Check it:

I love my new Nike commercials; my favorite is the one about the quadruple-double. I had a lot of input into The LeBrons. I wanted to show more of my personality, and those are the four ways I act: the player, the kid, the businessman and the wise old man. I act like him a lot when I'm home. I just kind of ad-libbed everything. The acting was fun. And for the record, that is me dancing.

so pimp.  what a freakin life. 


Also, comes a very cool article about a man who everyone on the NBA blog scene has been infatuated with for some time now..the mystery of William Wesley. has been digging into this guy for a little while now and basically discovered he is linked to everyone.  I mean Bron, Jordan, Jay-Z, Bill Clinton...everyone.  Sounds like a pretty sweet job to me.  The 'Connector''s got a nice ring to it. 

So that's it for now..coming later today is the first ever LeBlog contest. 

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