Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Turkey Time

I am sorry I couldn't update the blog before Thanksgiving break, but I will be back next week in full force.  Hopefully by that time the Cavs will have the best record in the NBA and Buckeye country will still be glowing.  I'd like to leave you with a few positive quotes from the past few days:

Senator Tressel - "There are going to be a lot of youngsters out there on Thanksgiving weekend making plays in a pile of leaves."  (including myself in the annual Akron vs Cleveland Turkey Bowl, but at this rate substitute snow for leaves)

LeKing - "We've got so much confidence, we're riding on an all-time high right now,'' James said. "This is the most fun I've had in my two and half years.''

Enjoy the break everyone and I'd have to imagine every Ohio Sports fan has something to be thankful for this holiday.  


Anonymous said...

The Cleveland Cavaliers entry: Luke Jackson/Sasha Pavlovic/Eric Snow. There isn't enough room in a tight Cavs rotation for the two backups, Jackson and Pavlovic, and both have been showcased by a team that has stormed out of the gate.
If the Cavs want to keep both youngsters, they can deal Snow to New York for Malik Rose and make Damon Jones their starter. Rose and Snow are both under contract through '08-09. Knicks coach Larry Brown loves Snow, and Cavs general manager Danny Ferry is a fan of Rose, his former teammate, so it seems to make sense for both teams.

I think it is inevitable that one (if not two) of these guys will be gone.  I think we should keep Luke and it would be nice to keep Snow.  Snow, Henderson, Gooden and LBJ are the most consistant.  I would like Malik Rose, but Brown (in NO/OK) would be my choice.  We need inside help.

Anonymous said...

I just don't understand the Snow for Rose rumors.  So we dump Snow's contract, start Damon Jones, and let Larry and LeBron back up the point.  So now Luke and Sasha see some time at the 2 or 3 and we have yet another swingman riding the bench in Rose.  I don't see Rose as any more promising than Luke or Sasha.  Unless we're trying to give Zendon Hamilton company at the end of the bench.

So Damon is happier, but Hughes has to guard the point in the defensive set, leaving the two guard to Sasha/Luke and the 3 to LeBron.  I like the offense running through Hughes in the offensive set, but not in the defensive set.  I just like Snow's presence in the defensive set, allowing Larry to guard the gunners.  Luke's not bad on D, but I don't think he could keep up with a PG.

I dunno, I like what I've seen so far.  Just hope that Damon doesn't turn into McGinnis.