Thursday, February 16, 2006

LeBron goodness

Hello out there.  I just want to let everyone know that the past few weeks have been quite busy and topping that off with a case of mono, LeBlog has been out of commision.  But I think I am ready to get this thing back into full swing. 

Let's start off bout the AK Assassin.  Speaking of this nickname, YAYsports!, the top NBA blog on the net, actually linked to LeBlog in honor of the King's new nickname.  It's great to know that the top NBA blogger is indeed a Cavs fan with a slight man-crush on the Chosen One.  It's not ok to skew the media unless it's related to LeBron..I mean that's a given.  So the King..well last night was cash money as he racked up yet another TD.  His shooting from the line was hurting as it has been recently, but overall he played marvelous.  The Cavs were able to win out this week and now get a nice rest till next Tuesday vs the Darko-full Magic. 

As tko9er noted the other day, Upper Deck is releasing a set of 4 figures based on The LeBrons commercials (pic below).  There are still some sets available for a cool $180.  Also, if you notice on that page there is a little promotion going on in which Upper Deck is taking the number of points scored by LeBron each night through the end of the season and applying that total as a percent off Bron Bron autographed material.  So if you got cash lying around for a $800 autographed LeBronson Pinchot jersey then go for it ($800 before the promotion that is). 

In trying to outdue Bron's real momma, Eddie Jackson, the King's surrogate father, punched a woman in the eye late Saturday night after a nice evening in the beautiful Cleveland Flats.  As a reminder 3 weeks ago, Gloria James pleaded not guilty in Akron Municipal Court to charges of driving while intoxicated while getting into a physical and verbal altercation with police.  I still think the edge goes to the momma.  LeBron - I don't blame ya for not talking to the media. 

And finally, Feb 5th marked the year anniversary of this here blog.  Gracias to all my buddies for helping out over the year and hopefully this year we can increase the love. 


Anonymous said...

Good to have you back Mr. LeBlog!

Anonymous said...

happy bring lesunshine into my life

Anonymous said...

So if LBJ goes Kobe on us and drops 80 on someone, we can get an LBJ jersey for like $200?  

Anonymous said...

That's what I'm hoping for!