Friday, September 1, 2006

Season Eve

tomorrow begins the start a very interesting and hopefully exciting season.  This will be the year of Lessert Ball (fyi: Tressel spelled backwards..ya know..playing the offensive game instead of defensive..ok i am an idiot).  So yea..we are pretty heavily favored early on (remember Tribe were pre-season #1) and Troy is gettin jocked as a big time Heisman candidate.  Corso picked Mr. Smith to make the pose, but good old Kirk chose otherwise.  I think maybe the Gameplan crew gave Kirk the old biased speech.  So..yea lots of hype and rightfully so. 

Final words before the season come from my buddy Paul.  He sent this beautiful link about some Troy Smith tidbits.  Check this:  

2) Troy on Game Week Rituals - Smith was reminded that former OSU safety Mike Doss at tacos every game week Monday in OSU's 2002 national championship season. Smith was aware of that, and said he has a plan of his own.

"Every Monday I'm going to eat a taco salad with lean turkey meat," said Smith.

uhh..yea that's p
retty lame Troy.

 yea Troy..hike up the skirt.

So on that note..Go Buckeyes

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