Thursday, September 22, 2005

He's everywhere

Even though the Tribe dominated the WhiteSox last night and Pronk is seriously the man, there is something else to discuss. 

So I am driving along the only toll road in the DC area on the way to work today (lucky me) and all of a sudden..dead stop traffic.  Around here this is no surprise, but as I creep closer I noticed no lanes are closed.  But what I do see up ahead is an accident.  As it turns out the accident was in the airport access road (so not even connected to the 4 lanes I am in).  So why were the lanes dead stop.  Well a freakin truck flipped over on its side.  As I pass along with the fellow rubberneckers, I noticed only one thing.  The truck driver was wearing a Bron tshirt.  Initially, I didn't notice the cargo spillin out of the top, I didn't notice the 10 cops, my eyes just saw the blue L23 tshirt.  Is that  But hey, my mind only cares about Cavs basketball and more importantly the most dominant figure from Akron living in the world today.

Then as I am walking into work, I get a call from my Dad saying The King will be on Oprah today so try and find a TV.  Oprah..damn..damn.  So today I learned that not only does Bron attract a fan base of overcaffinated white kids or inner-city ballers, but now we have truck drivers and housewives. know this kid really is one of the
Most Influential People in the World

 the most important man in Akron and his sidekick

This kid is still 20 years old and already considered the
best rookie of the past 5 years and well on his way to...nah I won't say it. 

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