Tuesday, May 17, 2005

More ESPiN Crap

Is this a joke?

How on earth does Wade have that many votes..I mean just cause Wade came through for 2 games vs. an inexperienced Wizards this means he could even be compared to the King?  For the whole season, LeBron was on his own and Wade had a guy named umm...Shaq..the most dominate player in the past 20-30 years.  Screw you ESPiN.  I know James firing his agents and making you nervous is the cause of this crap.  Man I wish I could change the channel only to find another option besides ESPiN.   

Anyways..here is a quick article about the current uncertainty of our teams and players. Yeah, I would like to know what the hell is going on as well.  Little shocked he didn't inquire about where the Indians offense has been.   

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