Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Keepin the Faith..

You learn a few things growing up in Ohio.   Well, there is the proper way to shuck corn or ride a tractor, but I am talking about a real learning experience here.  Like I referred to in my first post, growing up an Ohio Sports fan is a grueling rite of passage, but it teaches you one crucial trait…patience. 

From a young age, I slowly learned that my teams needed time to mature and become a contender.  I realized that every year when the Cavs or Browns or Tribe had a fire sale, it would take that much more time to build back the glory.   Patience is a virtue in which Ohio Sports fans know and accept.

This leads me to one of my best friends from home.  This feller, to put it lightly, does not have patience.  At an early age this kid was raised cheering for the enemy, which in my opinion is the cause of his confusion today.  While he continues to bash most teams Ohio, he is the first one to jump on the bandwagon once they show any sign of promise.  After the Cavs just lost 6 in a row, this kid proclaimed that we simply suck and aren’t gonna win the championship this year (while I definitely agree we aren’t bringing home a ring, that just can not be expected this year).  Also, I was just informed today that he even sold half of the tickets he has left for the season.  We were on a losing streak, it happens..  Every team goes through a slump (like the Yankees losing 4 in a row in the greatest collapse of all time..ahh) and a team needs to go through a slump in order to know how to fix the problem.  Team chemistry takes time.  It takes time to build up a team from a 17-65 record only 2 seasons ago.   It takes time to get all the pieces in play.   And it especially takes time when your leader is only 20 years old. 

My friend is the perfect example of a New York Sports fan.  I want a championship and I want it now.  In my opinion, those fans all deserve a nice white-gloved back slap across the face.  I mean if you demand satisfaction each year…that’s just pathetic.  Buying your way to the promise land is not the answer and I am glad for the past 4 years that formula has failed miserably for the anti-Red Sox. 


As we all know our teams are going to experience heartache, but throwing away any shred of team pride at the drop of a hat is not the answer.  I admit it was hard to sit and watch the Tribe have an All-Star fire sale about 7 years back.  But this is the way of the beast and the only thing to do is look ahead to the future.  For instance, look at the Tribe now.  We have a younger team than most AAA clubs, but we have weeded out the good from the bad over the past few years.  We have a pretty solid 1-2-3 rotation and even some of the best young bats in the league (that you never heard of).  Or let’s look at the Cavs.  Like I said above, we won 17 games two years ago, last year we won 35 games, and this year we might win 45 games (hopefully 50).  It takes time to build a squad.  People need to relax and believe...

When I was 13 years old, I witnessed Jimmy Valvano deliver the greatest speech I will ever hear.  He made one thing clear – “Don’t give up, don’t ever give up.”  While this quote referenced severe disease, I feel it can also be applied to life.  And on some miniscule scale..this can even refer to your favorite teams. 

To the playoffs..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the midst of the six-game losing streak, my roommate, an ALB (After LeBron) Cavs fan gave up... said that we wouldn't make the playoffs, that the season was over.  I think that you can tell a lifelong, true Cleveland fan because they expect dissapointment, but always remain optomistic.  If you don't already, read Joe Gabrielle's column on the cavs website, The Optomist.  While the column is satirical and sometimes ridiculous, it gives me hope before every Cavs game.

So every time my buddy goes negative, I tell him the same thing that my father has been saying to me since I scalped my first Browns ticket at the tender age of five.  Wait until next game.  Wait until next month.  Wait until next year.  In the words of The Optomist Joe Gabrielle,  "Keep the faith, Cleveland."  

P.S.  Gray Sizemore is the fantasy sleeper pick of the season.
P.P.S  How sweet was the LBJ/Usher high-five after the breakaway dunk the other night.  Imagine that shit in the NBA finals in a few years.  Ye-ah