Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Much Love

So the Cavs are playing better and it's OSU vs Michigan week so that is always exciting.  Life is ok unless of course this weekend doesn't turn out alright.

But I actually want to bring up a point that was recently made in the comments below.  Basically, what has happened to this blog?  It's a great question and it has a lot of truth to it.  I think the fact I am now updating this blog after almost a week at 11:45pm tells the story.  I would love to keep this thing more updated, but I am realizing that just isn't possible. 

But the thing is..I really have no reason or desire to shut it down.  I mean it's still an outlet for me to ramble & rage at times so that's good enough for me.  So for anyone new or for the old lebloggers crew, you can get a pretty good fill of CLE sports or Buckeye Football in any of the blogs listed to the right.  I will do my best to keep this thing updated when I can, but just know the love is always there. 

A Cavalier for life..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this blog and read it often.  I also understand Mr. Burgoon's struggles to stay on top of this.  I will also comment that the people who were contributing last year are not doing so anymore.  It is a shame and I will comment/contribute as much as possible.  I can only do my part and to Mr. Burgoon's point... the rest is up to us.