Tuesday, August 23, 2005

True Video Games

Thx to my buddy Paul, fellow Sox fan and lonely Celtics fan, he most awesomely hooked up this nugget from Boston.com on the All-Time Greatest Sports Video Game EVER

Yes, that's a huge task, but honestly the guy who put this together, Chris Rattey, knows what's up.  He put together a bracket and matched many of today's games vs. the games of old.  Currently, we are in the second round and it's anyone's ballgame.

So why I am posting this now you ask..well this link made its way from my buddy Paul to the desk of SBL and now bam..an interview with Boston.com's Chris Rattey on
SBL.  And seriously, this is awesome.  If you appreciate classic video games, this should be right up your alley. 

Check out the
interview here

Notice a great point being made when asking if Tecmo Super Bowl counts when considering Tecmo Bowl in the tourney or do you simply rely on the original game..hmm..deep thoughts folks. 


oh and by the way..not sure if people have seen this but a good friend of mine runs a site..oh you might have heard of it..it goes by the name of
.  Yes, isn't it good to know a kid runs it instead of oh let's say Tecmo.. 


Anonymous said...

Great find Paul!
Everyone should log in and vote - as of now, Double Dribble & Tiger Woods are in a dead tie.  How is that possible?

Nothing compares to DD and those slow motion dunks!!

Anonymous said...

all i can say is...wow.  im a bit overcome from the nostalgia that is nhl 94, rc pro am, excite bike, double dribble and mike tyson's punchout on a single webpage. good find indeed.

Anonymous said...

Madden's the best period. end of story.