Tuesday, June 27, 2006

4 more days

ok finally some NBA action.  Tomorrow night, the Cavs will hopefully make our first pick in years.  Obviously, we need a PG and that's really all that matters this year (unless Danny can make some fancy moves).  The realistic options on the table around our pick (#25) look to be either Shannon Brown or Jordan Farmar.  Both seem to be solid picks and to be honest I don't care who we draft as long as it's a PG.  Windhorst seems pretty indifferent about who we get and I am sure Ferry will attempt to shop some of our stars around for the right player.  Now there are rumors of Larry wanting out..geez.  Who knows.  I just know for me it's exciting to talk Cavs basketball again. 

So looking around about info on these two potential picks, I am noticing that Shannon Brown seems to be a pretty hot country singer whose album, Corn Fed, is in stores now.  Pretty exciting person to share your name with a farmer of the opposite sex who writes country songs about corn.

And Jordan Farmar...well I learned Jordan is Jewish, which we all know is the perfect pedigree for pro athletes.  Jordan was the 2004 Southern California Jewish Sports Hall of Fame High School Athlete of the Year.  Wow..thats quite a title.  Either way..if he can ball and especially play PG, bring it on. 

so who knows if one of these guys will be sporting a Cavs uniform in the fall, but either way I am just psyched to finally have something to watch Cavs related on TV.  It won't be the 03 draft, but hey a King from Akron only comes around once in a long While.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are tons of rumors flying around and one involves three teams in particular.  The Celtics, Sixers and Cavs.  The Celts want to move up and want to get rid of Wally Z, Green and Jefferson.  The Sixers want to unload A.I.  The Jaz were originally in the mix with Boozer, but that has tabeld.  Now the Cavs have stepped in, but it has not been stated who they are looking to move in this trade.  One can only assume, Gooden is invoved and would make this a possible sign 'n' trade move.  It is all speculative and nothing may happen before the weekend and depends on how this drafts plays out.