Yo yo yo- this is paullev7 reporting from the home of the LeBlog-master. Day 5 is the busted clue from a few days ago. The answer, of course, is a TV. But its not one of the TV's you know about. Nope, this TV is up the stairs behind Grandpa LeBron, in the same location as the football.
So I have some other Ohio Sports Ramblings:
Scott Elarton - hope you enjoy that cash and 90 loss seasons in K.C. I mean, no disrespect to KC (who could eventually build a club), but they aren't winning in the next two years in the mad-hard AL Central (eat it AL East fans.... the AL Central is just as good).
Ohio State- the Bucks are wearing whites in the Fiesta Bowl. Which brings back some memories...
Screw Disney... the real Greatest Game ever Played
The Cavs- big win over the Nuggs, who were without Marcus Camby. I missed the game (holiday party with open bar), but the Cavs have three problems as I see (two are related): (1) can't stop penetration, particuarly by PGs; (2) can't stop pick and roll, particularly the high pick and roll; and (3) sometimes rely too much on LeBron. The remedy? I don't know, but if Damon Jones can stop yapping with Jay-Z and start playing D, that would go along way to solving 1 and 2. As for 3, that used to happen with a certain Jordan guy too, so the team can learn its way out the habit.
The Browns- well, the Charlie Frye era looks ready to begin. There will be some bumps on the way, but if Braylon and K2 can get healthy, then the Browns will have the weapons we need. And Charlie, an un-assuming Le-Akron guy, might have the ego (or lack thereof) to handle it all.
Other Tribe notes- caught a little Tribe talk with Matt Underwood on 1100 (thank god for skip!). Wedgie says he still feels the hurt of last year and the team will use that for motivation. Oh yeah, pitchers and catchers report in about 70 days...
Finally, let's give a big shout out to the OSU hoops team, who is back in the top 25. And to think, next year we get the next great thing...
Thought this was worth posting:
I attended the Detroit Pistons vs. Sacramento Kings game on Wednesday, and I found something interesting out.
Remember the rumors last year when they said the "Q" was going to be Rock Finicial Field House, and the nick name would be "The Rock", well after attending the Detroit game I found out the real reason why:
Our boy and owner Mr. Gilbert's company Rock Finicial is presenting the Detroit Pistons. His logo and name is all over that Arena. So the Cavaliers are presented by Club Cadet and our rivals, a team in our own conference is being represented by our owner, quite interesting, thought it would be fun to share.
One that note, tonight is a huge game, can't wait! Go Cavaliers.
Day 6 LeBron - the cards sitting on top of the newspapers behind Grandpa LeBron.
I love guest-editor blogging. Well done, LeAkronians.
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