Thursday, May 25, 2006
So Life After.. really just not as fun. It was mad fun getting to feel like you were a kid again by watching the Cavs in the playoffs. This time there was no Mark Price or Brad Daugherty, but LeBron filled that void no problem. I believed in our team as did the whole Cavs nation, but in the end we just didn't want it. And by "the end," I am referring to Game 6 and by "didn't want it," I am referring to rebounding the ball.
It was a grand few weeks of playoff action for our Cavaliers as they stole the NBA spotlight. Even if people weren't rooting for us, they knew we had grown up and arrived in the East. It was truly amazing to see all the jocking of LeBron when the Cavs were winning and even more amazing to see the bashing of the Cavs when we lost. Gotta love when ESPiN's only goal is to create drama.
Personally, I had a great time cheering on my team. After seeing Game 6 vs the Wiz in DC, I figured I would ride my good luck so I ended up hopping an early, early flight to CLE for Game 6 vs the Pistons..but we all know that didn't go exactly as planned. Quick note was the biggest sporting ticket in CLE since the 97 World Series (which I won't comment on). Crap tickets were selling for hundreds while tix near the floor were going for $3000-$5000. Damn..
Anyways..the offseason swirl has begun. Z now might be traded, Bron won't leave, and Dan truly appreciates our support. It still sucks we won't see any NBA action for a while, but I am guessing this could be another fun offseason.
Thanks to everyone in the Cavs organization for a great season..
Monday, May 22, 2006
Thursday, May 18, 2006
C'mon Now
geez..still not a lot of love.
Actually..who cares about this crap. So last night was one again LeSpectacular. This team has heart and the best part is that the pressure is still on the Pistons. I hope we can bring this home on Friday at home. Fans are hungry. I mean look at this history folks...pain, pain I tell ya.
Also, check out fellow NeOH native YaySport's writeup after the game. Well said and I agree this quote will go down in history.
"It's not that they're the Big Bad Wolf and we're the Three Little Pigs,'' LeBron James said.
Not only does the AK Assassin know his nursery rhymes, but the guy is a student of the game. After the game he made reference to the Pistons coming back in a playoff series years ago. I mean the guy just played (another) 48 mins, just had another hugely emotional win, and then he references the Pistons playoff history. Good lord..
You are the King and we are your servants..
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I mean seriously..that game was ridiculous. We played their game..defense. We found their weak point..driving to the hoop. And we played with more heart. It was freakin insane. I am still speechless.
E. Snow..amen brother. That was quite a peformance in the second half. Not sure where those skills have been in the past few years, but glad to see you shine when it matters most. Anderson was redonkulous. Dare I say he has been our Pippen in the past two games. I am loving the LeBron-Andy pick n' roll. And the King played off, but still almost got a Triple-Double. Not many of the Cavaliers had their slickest game, but in the end we scored just enough and played solid D. Man am I happy.
So it's 2-2 folks. I can't believe I am writing that. After a trip this morning to St. Louis to pay respect to Justin Hughes, the Cavs are off to Rock City. Wednesday will be tough as Detroit realizes they can't be cocky one bit. This should be a great matchup. But as usual..if we can head into the final quarter down by less than 10, we have a shot. As Reggie Miller keeps saying, we have one thing Detroit doesn't...a number 23.
I love this game..
Update: I have been searching around the net for some thoughts on the game and found this one very interesting.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Got It
Oh yea the W. What a spectacular game on Saturday. I love Bron's for first three quarters then he takes over in the money (or Le4th) quarter. That was a HUGE game for us and regardless of what happens for the rest of the series, I think we can look back on Chapter 3 and be happy.
Oh and I believe Anderson proved his worth on Saturday. Like we argued in the previous post's comments..can Anderson start next season if Drew leaves? The answer is yes. All he has to do is get open and make layups. It doesn't matter who plays PF..LeBron & Co will get him the ball. Throw on 10-20lbs to Mr. Varejao and we have a dominant PF. I say let Drew go and focus on a PG.
Either way..go Cavs!
P.S. C'mon Guys
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
not really sure what to say. As scoop mentioned, this probably will be a great learning experience for the King, but sux. The Pistons are just way out of our league (at least this season). We just need to take one game which hopefully we can accomplish during the 2 game homestand.
But on a side note, I am curious what people are thinking in terms of off season moves. I think its unanimous that we all would like to see Damon "Game 6" Jones in another uniform. And we might not have a choice with Drew. But what else. Mike Possible trades? What about a new PG..
I imagine Anderson will be starting next year with Hughes, Z, Bron, and a new PG. Hoepfully we can pick up a vet (paulev7 and I discussed Kidd) and have him for a few years. Then we can draft a PG when we actually get a draft pick and have him learn. Who knows..
Either way..just trying to divert attention from the series vs the state up north.
Sunday, May 7, 2006
OK then
well didn't that suck..
I am going to blame it on no rest and no time to learn the Pistons offense. I don't think their shooting had anything to do with it.
Game 2 it is..
sorry for the late post in regards to the Cavs victory on Friday night, but honestly I just stopped celebrating..I mean come on, that game was huge. I proudly wore Cavs tshirts and hats all around DC on saturday and def got some awful looks not to mentioned being heckled by a cop. It's all good though..
But the game itself was such a stressful/amazing/non CLE Sports style game. Everyone chipped in. Donyell had one of a hell game..Anderson was monsterous towards the end and of course the King did his part. Best part were his words to Gilbert..."if you miss these free throws, it's over." The King just knew..he just knew. And that's why one day we will take it home. We never had someone with such confidence in not only himself, but his team. He is the King and we are his servants..
For now..Go Cavs and good luck today vs the Pistons. Remember going's all about the experience.
Thursday, May 4, 2006
We are all LeWitnesses
UPDATE (The Day After):
Ok folks...that was sick. I mean simply insane. Without being biased, that was one of the best games I have seen in a long time. Neck and neck all game with Bron and Arenas just going off. Granted the Cavs should have pulled it out at the end of regulation, but we still won and a W is all that matters. It was a game full of fouls as it was an extremely rough game...playoffs baby. Love it.
But that game was something you just needed to witness.
When the King went out early with 4 fouls, our team picked up the fact we went up by more points when he left. That is the
kind of support we need in the playoffs. Snow played hard, Anderson
was an animal, Gooden got his boards, and Flip/Hughes provided the
momentum. Well done guys..well done.
Also, for those of you who were at the game, the announcer proclaimed in the 2nd quarter that the NBA should rename a Triple-Double to a 'James.' I mean wow..I couldn't of jocked him any better myself. pumped for Friday. I will be there and cheering with all I got. This is huge baby..freakin huge..