Thursday, June 29, 2006

Danny is a happy man

Well wasn't last night a nice surprise. I think Danny is probably a very happy man right now given who we picked up in the draft.  I mean we were almost able to pick up the laptop thief. But when Mark Price's number rolled around, we had a very nice selection of Guards to choose from.  In fact, when our second round pick came, we also had a nice selection of players.  Man that was a weird draft.

So now we have a Big Ten athlete and a Texas baller.  It's funny that we still had to focus on guards given we spent so much freakin money on Damon and Donyell. But either way we have some solid guards that we can groom for our future.  Man..they have to be pumped to play with LeBron.  That's just a rediculous opportunity. 

So even ESPN (insider) was giving us some love as we got graded an A.  Check out their comments:

Round 1: Shannon Brown, SG, Michigan State (No. 25 overall)

Round 2: Daniel Gibson, PG, Texas (No. 42)

               Ejike Ugboaja, F, Nigeria (No. 55)

Analysis: When you pick late in the first round, you're usually looking for someone who has a chance to be a rotation player.

When you pick in the second, you're looking for someone with a pulse.

I think the Cavs exceeded expectations with both picks.

Brown is going to be a dynamite player and a real steal at No. 26. He has the strength and athleticism of a lottery pick. He's a little undersized, but I think he'll be a great sparkplug for the Cavs.

I also like the Gibson pick in Round 2. As a point guard, Gibson is a so-so prospect. But as a scoring two, he could be a Ben Gordon type player.

Grade: A

sup now..alright well a solid draft and now we wait for the King on July 1.  2 more days..

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

3 days..

some links for today:

Ohio Sports road trip

remember to vote for the King for the ESPY's next month

Cavaliers Dance Team Music Video..uhh ya.

and someone is definitely takin care of the Cavs entry in Wikipedia.

until the draft...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

4 more days

ok finally some NBA action.  Tomorrow night, the Cavs will hopefully make our first pick in years.  Obviously, we need a PG and that's really all that matters this year (unless Danny can make some fancy moves).  The realistic options on the table around our pick (#25) look to be either Shannon Brown or Jordan Farmar.  Both seem to be solid picks and to be honest I don't care who we draft as long as it's a PG.  Windhorst seems pretty indifferent about who we get and I am sure Ferry will attempt to shop some of our stars around for the right player.  Now there are rumors of Larry wanting out..geez.  Who knows.  I just know for me it's exciting to talk Cavs basketball again. 

So looking around about info on these two potential picks, I am noticing that Shannon Brown seems to be a pretty hot country singer whose album, Corn Fed, is in stores now.  Pretty exciting person to share your name with a farmer of the opposite sex who writes country songs about corn.

And Jordan Farmar...well I learned Jordan is Jewish, which we all know is the perfect pedigree for pro athletes.  Jordan was the 2004 Southern California Jewish Sports Hall of Fame High School Athlete of the Year.  Wow..thats quite a title.  Either way..if he can ball and especially play PG, bring it on. 

so who knows if one of these guys will be sporting a Cavs uniform in the fall, but either way I am just psyched to finally have something to watch Cavs related on TV.  It won't be the 03 draft, but hey a King from Akron only comes around once in a long While.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

10 days

so..yea..what's up people.   I think today is an appropriate time to write a new entry into this blog.  I must admit
I had no interest in the NBA after we lost and honestly had no desire to update this blog.  But I think today provided a little motivation.

Ok so first let me say I probably watched 20 maybe 30 mins of the NBA Finals.  And honestly, I just wanted to see Cuban on TV.  I know the Mavs came out strong then just faded bad.  I have to admit I felt a little upset to my stomach this morning when I heard the Heat had won it all.  This team just doesn't feel like they should be the NBA Champions.  I think Bill Simmons said it best (and Mark Cuban agrees) that we just took a step backwards in the progress of the Association.  You can read his commentary for yourself, but basically the Heat are not part of the new NBA.  The Mavs, Cavs, Suns are the new NBA.  Read the first few paragraphs for yourself to get a better idea.

Also, there are some fantastic Bron tidbits in this article.  Check out this one: 

As a basketball fan, I think this would be terrible [the Heat winning]. A tragedy, even. Nothing against Wade -- after all, it isn't his fault his team sucks and he has to play this way -- but seeing an individual triumph over a team YET AGAIN would erase every positive outcome from the 2005-06 season. Basically, the team with LeBron or Wade will win the next 10-12 titles, and it will come down to which guy made more 20-footers with two guys on him and which guy got the most cheap calls from the most spineless referees.

Hmm..I am not sure why this would be a bad thing..giggidy.  Also, one more quote:

Believe me, I understand why we reached this point -- in the late-'90s, an entire generation of players weaned on hard fouls (like the McHale-Rambis clothesline), trash-talking superstars (like Bird and MJ) and constant woofing (from the Fab Five and UNLV in particular) ended up taking all three of those elements to inappropriate levels. I concede this point.  But haven't we swung too much the other way now? For instance, when LeBron psyched out Gilbert Arenas at the free-throw line in the final game of the Cavs-Wiz series, that was one of my favorite moments of the playoffs -- not only that LeBron had the confidence to do something like that, but that it reminded me of something that would happen on the playground, just two ballers talking smack before a big moment.

LeAwesome memories..

ok the real story here.  LeBRON.  Le-freakin-Bron.  Today the countown begins.  10 more days..yes folks, 10 more days till we can offer Bron THE contract.  You know..the contract that will hopefully change the destiny of CLE and our troubled sports city forever.  Oh yeah..that contract.  Well, apparently Mr. James is confident about signing this piece of paper that will be put in front of him on July 1, 2006. 

Man I hope so..